Every Donation Helps.

As a small, community-funded organization, we rely on small donations and partnerships to make our mission possible.

Please consider making your tax-deductible donation today and support these great projects.
(Is it 501(c)3?)

We accept donations through our sponsoring partner Treehouse Institute. Click below to be taken to their secure donation page. At the end of the process, be sure to have your donation designated towards the Portland Global Shapers.

Your donation helps us to expand our projects

Projects such as these…

Maine Girls Innovate
The Maine Girls Innovate program comprises of four after-school workshops and a day-long Field Guide culminating in a social change challenge — a student-led initiative addressing a social issue in their middle school.
Hi, Neighbor!
Hi, Neighbor! is an initiative to overcome bias and community segregation in order to create happier, better connected, and more resilient neighborhoods. Based on a social justice theory of change that through story sharing + self work. Hi, Neighbor! is a simple gathering with a big purpose.
Our Generation
Maine has the oldest median age in the country, and our population is projected to continue to shrink. For the sake of Maine's economy and the quality of life of all Mainers, more young people need to stay in Maine, and to move here from other places.